'Jeremy Scott Fitness Instagram Video- How to Progress to Pull-ups'

04:15 Mar 24, 2021
'We are talking Pullups today with 4 ways to help you get better or finally progress to doing legit Pullups with my man @jm_fitness1 helping me out. Pullups are one of the biggest bang-for-your-buck exercises out there. They engage your entire back, abs, biceps, and forearms, so if you are looking to build true upper body strength and look like a rock star pull-ups are a great foundation for that.  The average man we test from a true dead-hang pull-up usually starts anywhere between 1-5 pull-ups, the women we see the first time they come test out even less than that.  Pullups are difficult for even “stronger” guys/girls too. After all, the more you weigh, the harder it is to pull yourself up—so if you’re a dude over 200 pounds, they’re probably not your strong suit.  They’re also tougher for anyone with longer arms, for the simple fact you have more distance to cover when pulling your body up from a dead hang position. Even a few extra inches in arm length can be extremely challenging when the goal is to get your chin over the bar.  If pullups elude you, don’t worry. I’m here to help you finally get off the ground and pull yourself up once and for all. The four moves below all help you build the upper-body strength you need to crush pullups. Start every workout with three to four sets of one or two of these moves—even if you’re doing legs that day. Just a few sets of back work a day will go a long way as you build up to full-on pullups.  Exercise #1: Inverted Bodyweight Rows Exercise #2: Chest-Supported Rows Exercise #3: Dead Hangs  Exercise #4: Band or Machine-Assisted Pullups  Remember, building up to pullups takes time, so don’t be discouraged when it doesn’t happen in a week. But I promise, if you’re diligent you will be able to nail a full pullup sooner than later. Tag  

Tags: fitness , abs , workouts , Health , nutrition , Food , crossfit , fat loss , sweat , fitness model , motivational

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