'How To Do The Plank Exercise w/ Progressions \"Hey. It\'s Jason from Kinetic Sports Rehab, and I\'m gonna show you a couple plank progressions that\'ll help you as you continue to increase your core strength. So, the main thing to think about while you\'re doing the plank is that you wanna challenge your core but not squeeze all the tissues through the lumbar spine. So, we wanna get that good separation between the muscles on the front side and those on the back. So, the first thing that we\'re going to do is get into a kneeling plank position. So, right here, you\'ll notice I\'m not excessively extended or rounded in my low back. You wanna find a nice, relatively neutral position and just hold this position as you\'re breathing deeply through your belly. So, big inhales and big exhales, nice and slow. To challenge this position, you can slowly reach one hand out, back-and-forth. But remember to keep your breathing, and what you\'re going for is not trying to shift your hips side-to-side as you make this motion happen. Progressions from there is to get into a full plank. So, you\'re just gonna lift your knees up and, again, you really don\'t wanna sag the low back here, so find your neutral position, and then just extend the legs and continue your breathing patterns, deep inhales and deep exhales. And if that isn\'t quite challenging enough, widen your feet out and you can work on those reaches in a plank position, but make sure that your hips, again, aren\'t rotating side-to-side. Those are our planks progressions. Have fun and be kinetic.\" Find more from Kinetic here: Website: www.kineticsportsrehab.com Facebook: /kineticsportsrehab Instagram: @kineticsportsrehab Twitter: @KSRSeattle Snapchat: be_kinetic DISCLAIMER: This video is intended as a tool for existing clients who have had their first and second visits with Kinetic, or as a reference for those interested in the movements portrayed. Kinetic Sports Rehab is not responsible for any harm or misadventure caused by the use of this video. If you are ever in doubt or are experiencing pain, stop immediately and seek advice from your doctor. Or, if it is an emergency, seek emergency medical attention. Have fun and #bekinetic!'
Tags: exercise , movement , core , exercises , plank , seattle , pt , therapy , physical rehabilitation , Sports Medicine , Kinetic , Functional Movement , functional rehabilitation , sports rehab , kinetic sports rehab , sports chiro , functional rehab , sports chiropractors
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