'SIZE GAIN WORKOUT PROGRAM OVERVIEW | Muscle Size 5x5 program by Guru Mann'

'SIZE GAIN WORKOUT PROGRAM OVERVIEW | Muscle Size 5x5 program by Guru Mann'
06:24 Feb 23
'Guru Mann trains you as well as trains with you to gain muscle size during his 6 week SIZE GAIN WORKOUT PROGRAM - \"Muscle Size 5x5\".  You can achieve your desired body goals with this \"SIZE GAIN WORKOUT PROGRAM - Muscle Size 5x5\"  Download the MUSCLE SIZE 5X5 Nutrition Plan - http://www.gurumann.com/MUSCLE_SIZE_5x5_-_NUTRITION_PLAN.pdf  Download the MUSCLE SIZE 5X5 Workout Plan -  http://www.gurumann.com/MUSCLE_SIZE_5x5_-_WORKOUT_PLAN.pdf  Guru Mann will tell you about body recovery and nutritional tips to follow as well.  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Hello everyone This is Guru Man certified advanced fitness trainer & sports nutritionist from California!!! like previously I have designed  \"6 WEEK SHREDDED\" program Which was our fat loss program Now I am bringing muscle building program for you Which is \"MUSCLE SIZE 5X5\"  Lot of people don\'t know that muscle building and fat loss are two separate goals you cannot achieve both goals at one time To gain muscle, you need more calories means Caloric Surplus and of fat loss you need less calories means Caloric Deficit In my previous 6 Weed Shredded program your caloric intake was 2000 Which was high protein and low carbs base diet but in our Muscle Size program your caloric intake will be high Where you will take High Protein and High Carbs.  Lot of people don\'t know that muscle building and fat loss are two separate goals you cannot achieve both goals at one time To gain muscle, you need more calories means Caloric Surplus and of fat loss you need less calories means Caloric Deficit In my previous 6 Weed Shredded program your caloric intake was 2000 Which was high protein and low carbs base diet but in our Muscle Size program your caloric intake will be high Where you will take High Protein and High Carbs.  Muscle Size program is for those who want to gain muscle without getting fat in this program you will train 5 times a week we will do heavy weight training where we will activate the fast twitch muscle fiber which is the important muscle fiber to gain size along with size we will build our strength as well we will do 5 sets of every exercise and 5 reps of every set means muscle size 5x5 5 sets of 5 reps to achieve any fitness goal its important that your nutrition should be right if your nutrition is not good then you won\'t be able to achieve your fitness goal so first you have to fix your nutrition.  In nutrition we will consume 5 to 6 meals a day in every 2-3 hours our caloric intake will be 3300 our protein intake will be 225 grams carbohydrate will be 420 grams and fat will be 80 grams a day there are two way to increase the mass with muscle mass of fat mass lot of people gain fat mass with wrong nutrition and wrong supplements which is totally wrong we will gain fat free muscle mass in this program with proper high quality nutrition.  In this program I am ot recommending any supplement I am proving you all those nutrients in the diet plan which you neet to gain muscle mass but people who are advanced or on expert level and people who are already using supplements they can continue using supplements  like whey protein multi vitamins fish oil and pre -workout supplement.  Muscle Size 5x5 is minimum 6 week program people who are advanced should follow it for 6 weeks people who are beginner and intermediate means people who just started training or been training for 3-4 years they can follow it for up to 12 weeks then there body will hit plateau plateau means when you body stops giving any results so guys follow the entire workout program on Tseries official channel till then take care guys bye!!  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------  For all updates :  SUBSCRIBE - http://bit.ly/1eBikoz  Like Us - https://www.facebook.com/tserieshealtandfitness Follow - http://www.twitter.com/tserieshealth   Check out http://www.gurumann.com for more information and detailed exercises!  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  \"size gain Chest workout\" \"size gain Back workout\" \"size gain Arms workout\" \"size gain Biceps workout\" \"size gain Triceps workout\" \"size gain Shoulder workout\" \"size gain Legs workout\"' 

Tags: workout program , exercise tips , size gain , muscle size gain , chest size gain , size gain program , gain program , size gain exercises , indian exercises , exercises tips , biceps size gain video , size gain video , exercises tutorial

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