'Guangxi Sunshine Fitness Team - \"folk songs like the Spring River Water\" 广西阳光健身队-《山歌好比春江水》'

'Guangxi Sunshine Fitness Team - \"folk songs like the Spring River Water\" 广西阳光健身队-《山歌好比春江水》'
04:56 Mar 8
'欢迎订阅本频道!下拉更有惊喜哦!  播放列表:http://www.youtube.com/playlist?feature=edit_ok&list=PLq6jRBrSiv0oYh5lvAlpkxJEEnzHUeJea    Chinese Square Dance is now a very popular fitness way for the middle-age and the old in China. Although the dance has many kinds of styles, it is usually strongly rhythmic and easy to learn. The dance creators often use folk music and popular music on the Internet.   Different from Western Square Dance involving four couples (eight dancers) arranged in a square, Chinese Square Dance usually involves much more people simultaneously and causally. And the dancers dance in the evening on squares, grounds and even streets with their own loose and comfortable cloth to allow freedom of movement rather than performing on a stage with complete makeup and same uniforms.     And the dancers gain joy and health by the unrestrained and relaxing rhythm and moves. Hope you enjoy it!  【精彩视频推荐】  咱们结婚吧 第1集(上) 相亲这事不靠谱 HD https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZSgVluV93a0  《Xgirl》—— 三大美妞破奇案,智计百出擒真凶【周秀娜 张经纬主演】 http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLIx8QniXH-rGQFI12ypMPZtvKu0Yi_7R2  《咱们结婚吧》 果然彻底\"爆发\":差不多行了 我一天到晚贱吧嗖嗖的! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eGIMMS3LHdw&feature=c4-overview-vl&list=PLHOMQ6tK7YucauyaBtiAGlqG-1cQIl-dz  全能星战 龚琳娜单挑孙楠 陶喆献歌剧版《我愿意》\"隔空\"反击孙楠 131213 HD https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XC2UVnXqGvs  BODY SHOW 减肥瘦身系列之【宝丁秀】 http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLq6jRBrSiv0oPpGIMVvXPSN64F5MxxQKN  女神办公室 第15集 献身给客户 升职潜规则 HD https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ur5Oc6EdOYw&list=PLkvG4EWPDB0nxoZAcYnMlFjYjWkUPHAdJ  唱游天下2 第六期 李晨变劳模王学兵打酱油 郝云实现0花费演唱会 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IDQgFwAMIMY&list=PLq8SHTZHHLCIl_xmXJ0_ab7nrx1Fzgfnn&index=1  黄健翔《黄·段子》102期周末版:世界杯大解签 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AK41UYDh4bw&list=PLMukBAf-rLrPeHdjj2NwwmRyzfbJS5w4s  娱乐圈 \"爸爸们\"女妆照曝光 个个妩媚惊艳 131213 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zw0KK3wHLW0&feature=c4-overview-vl&list=PLnvcVhssYdNvipIir6Vschra_0w6vsMhX  《生日梦精灵》第1~20集——国内最顶尖的奇幻动漫作品之一 http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLSz0O058jdE_jgznjZizde9DehnMOeOwn' 

Tags: 健康 , 瘦身 , 增肌 , 减肥 , 运动 , 魔鬼身材 , 环球健美 , 白领必备 , 形体雕塑 , 胸部塑形 , 局部塑身 , 形态优化 , 动感塑形操 , 青少年健身 , 抗衰老 , 爸爸去哪儿 , 湖南卫视 , 快乐大本营 , 非诚勿扰 , 中国好声音 , Guangxi (Chinese Autonomous Region)

See also:

