'Bootcamp Workout Ideas 2 - Dealing With Different Fitness Levels'

'Bootcamp Workout Ideas 2 - Dealing With Different Fitness Levels'
05:27 Mar 21
'http://kaizen-fitness.com  How to deal with groups of different fitness level and ability.  00:00:00 - DEALING WITH DIFFERENT FITNESS LEVELS 00:00:09 - HOW TO DELIVER A GREAT WORKOUTAT APPROPRIATE INTENSITY FOR EVERYONE 00:00:17 - CREATE ORIGINAL GROUP FITNESS PROGRAMS Without Spending Hours at a Desk 00:00:27 - MODERN GROUP TRAINING - INSPIRED BY MILITARY BOOTCAMPS 00:00:34 - YOUR CLIENTS ARE NOT ARMY RECRUITS! 00:00:40 - MILITARY RECRUITS 20 Years Old, Similar fitness levels 00:00:46 - YOUR CLIENTS All Ages, All fitness levels 00:01:04 - MILITARY RECUITS: No injuries 00:01:11 - YOUR CLIENTS: Commonly restricted by old injuries 00:01:19 - One Size Fits All Workouts... 00:01:29 - ...Almost Guarantee Failure! 00:01:35 - TOO EASY 00:01:38 - TOO HARD 00:01:43 - Out-gun your competition! 00:01:56 - BEGINNER INTERMEDIATE ADVANCED 00:02:03 - Adjust Reps Adjust Resistance Adjust Distance 00:02:10 - Provide 3 Options 00:02:22 - If you don\'t Plan... 00:02:29 - ...You instantly lose credibility 00:02:34 - TASK BASED DRILLS 00:02:45 - Divide group into teamsAssign a task to each team 00:02:57 - Everyone works at their own pace 00:03:10 - Gain a huge advantage over other trainers 00:03:13 - NO TIME? 00:03:15 - OUT OF IDEAS? 00:03:17 - 50 ORIGINAL WORKOUTS 00:03:34 - VIDEO DEMOS 00:03:43 - Categories and Training Modalites 00:03:49 - Easy to incorporate into your own program 00:03:57 - 3 MONTH PROGRAMimage of program 00:04:11 - PTI Tips & Stretch Routine for every workout 00:04:31 - INSTANT DOWNLOAD AVAILABLE Secure Payment No credit card required 00:04:46 - PRIVATE DOWNLOAD PAGE 00:04:52 - SATISFACTION GUARANTEE 00:05:07 - Paypal Buyer Protection 00:05:14 - DOWNLOAD NOW From www.kaizen-fitness.com  If you run fitness bootcamps or offer group outdoor training sessions, then you\'ll know that one of the biggest problems is training a group that has different fitness levels and ability.  Watch his short video to learn 2 strategies that ensure everyone in your fitness group gets a great workout at just the right intensity for them.  And if you stay tuned until the end, I\'ll show you a really simple way to create original group fitness programs of your own without spending hours at a desk.  So here\'s how this problem came about. As you know, modern-day group outdoor training was originally inspired by the way the military train their recruits in \'bootcamps\'.  But if you think about it, there are some major differences between military recruits and your group of clients.  First up, military recruits are all about 20 years old, right? That means they all have roughly similar physical abilities.  Your clients are all different ages and have very different levels of fitness.  Common Fitness Goal] Second up, military recruits share a common fitness goal -  pass a specific Army Physical Fitness Test and join the army.  Unique individual goals] Your clients all have very different reasons for training with you - some of which may have nothing to do with getting fitter.  The other thing is that chronic injuries and disabilities do not exist among military recruits. Yet they are commonplace in the general public.  How many people in your group are restricted by old injuries or recent traumas such as child-birth? We need to cater for this.  Sadly, most trainers are still prescribing \'one-size-fits-all\' workouts for their fitness groups. This works well for military training bootcamps because every recruit is so similar.  But in the civilian world, it pretty much guarantees that nobody gets to workout at a level of effort that will allow them to make decent gains!  Make it too easy and clients get bored and leave.  Too hard and they will not enjoy training with you and leave.  Imagine this though: you could totally out-gun your competition if you not only catered for different fitness levels, but actually turned it to your advantage.  One way to achieve this is to take time a bit extra time and prepare 3 different versions of each workout or drill. One for beginners, one for intermediates and one for advanced.  Depending on the goal of your workout, you would make adjustments in the number of reps, the amount of resistance or the distance travelled for each drill if it was locomotive.  Three options means most people will know instinctively which version is for them and if they are unsure, you can easily advise them when you explain the workout at the beginning of the session.  This may sound like a pretty obvious solution, but there are plenty of trainers out there who do not take the time to plan this stuff out in advance.  And once your clients detect that you are making it up on the spot, you instantly lose credibility (and their custom).  The second method is to deliberately design drills specifically for groups of uneven fitness levels. I call these' 

Tags: Fitness Boot Camp , Bootcamp ideas , Bootcamp workout Ideas , bootcamp workouts , fitness drills , fitness bootcamps

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