'Fitness Is Important - Motivational Video'

02:58 Apr 26, 2021
'I love talking about fitness.  It’s the most important attribute that everyone needs to have, yet some people opt out of it.  I don’t care what your goals are.  If you just want to be rich and don’t care about anything else.  If you just want to hook up with attractive people.  Or even if your goal is to just be free running a simple business and not have to deal with answering to a boss.  Fitness should be a big part of your life because it will effect your plans.   And I’m not talking about being a gym rat or a cardio bunny.  I’m talking about being healthy, in shape, and having strong overall vitality.  I personally love lifting weights at the gym, but fitness can come in all shapes and sizes.  You can be a dancer.  A skateboarder.  A basketball player.  A runner.  A Yogi.  Anything you want.  There’s many ways to get in shape.   But why is your fitness level so important?  Because how else are you going to have the energy to chase after your goals day after day.  You need to be in peak physical shape, even if your goals use more of your brain than your brawn.  You  need to respect your body if you want it to function at 100 percent.     If you value fitness over the course of a lifetime, you will live longer. And if you’re going to work so damn hard achieving your goals, don’t you want time to reap the rewards?  Wouldn’t you love to retire wealthy and still have a long life ahead of you?  You want the golden years to be strong and independent.  Because everyone ages, but the people who take their health seriously age gracefully.   And best of all a dedication to physical exercise on a regular basis builds the habits you need to accomplish anything in life.  Because you are accustomed to being on a routine now.  You know that if you work hard one day at a time, you’ll have success over the long term.  You can look at the calendar and say “In a year from now, I’ll have what I want.  I’ve transformed my body in just one year, I can transform my career in a year as well”.   If you can deal with sweating, straining, and pushing yourself physically, then anything else you do is infinitely easier.  Nothing will ever be as hard as deadlifting twice your bodyweight in the gym or running until your heart is pounding.  Writing an article, crunching numbers, coding a programming, designing a logo.  All of these talents are very respectable, but they seem like a cakewalk compared to what you’ve been through with your physical endeavors.     Have you ever wondered why I can speak so confidently?  I spent years training martial arts privately under an instructor that was a former correction officer and was kicked out of the military for fighting too much.  And trust me, he was not easy on me.   But because I put myself through that hard work and that tough challenge.  Every future challenges seems easy in comparison.  I don’t flinch or worry when I see a challenge, because I’ve completed some of the toughest physical challenges I could find.   Fitness is a big part of life and it will effect success in other areas.  As you are working on your fitness goals, subscribe to the endless motivation channel because we are delivering new videos all the time.  ► Subscribe - http://bit.ly/EndlessMotivationSubscribe' 

Tags: video , fitness motivation , motivational , motivational video

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