'ARC #MoreThanThat 2023 Campaign'

'ARC #MoreThanThat 2023 Campaign'
02:02 May 13
'More Than That 2023   The words we use have power. And so do the stories we tell. The labels we choose to describe ourselves paint a picture of us as WE see ourselves. But the reality is that we are all more than any one thing.   We’re more than our worst flaw, more than our biggest regret, and more than our worst moments.   We’re more than the sum of our mistakes.  The purpose of this year’s #MoreThanThat campaign is to highlight the person within the struggle and that by defining ourselves based on the struggles we face we limit our potential. We are not incapable, weak, or unworthy. Addiction is highly treatable, and many people eventually recover and contribute to our society in numerous and meaningful ways. You are much #MoreThanThat.   The challenges and consequences of addiction can be so deep and painful that they become the headlines of a person’s life.  But WE are the authors of our own stories, and WE get to decide how to write the next chapters.   During this year’s Campaign we will be hosting empowering health fairs, community fitness events, new look podcasts, a conference and our annual Recovery Walk, all championing the full potential of individuals in recovery.  At ARC, we believe that people can change. and that it starts with the words we use and the picture we paint of ourselves. We don’t gloss over the past, we just believe you’re #Morethan that.  So who\'s going to join us and help spread this vital message?   More information will be provided in the coming weeks so stay tuned.   Thank you' 
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