'ARC Fitness - Strengthening Recovery'

'ARC Fitness - Strengthening Recovery'
03:15 Jun 7
'We Strengthen Recovery!  Substance misuse is on the increase in Northern Ireland.  The negative impact of substance abuse affects every part of our society. It can happen to anyone; family members, friends, work colleagues, your neighbours, people you interact with every day.   It is destructive and the human and social cost is often counted in broken families, unfilled potential, and shorted lives.  Addiction causes a disconnect – a disconnect that isolates individual’s from their family, from society, and from support.   We stigmatise individuals those because of their struggles creating shame and isolation – all barriers to successful recovery.  However, Recovery is about undoing this disconnect, by making a conscious effort to re-connect -re-connecting with support and community; re-connecting to purpose and re-connection to hope.  This is where we come in.  ARC Fitness is non-profit organisation based in Derry/Londonderry that supports individuals and families negatively impact by substance misuse and addiction.  Our approach is unique, at ARC we merge the physical and psychological benefits of physical activity with structured recovery programmes all within a sober active community – And that community have one thing in common – the desire to BE Better!  We provide a range of professional fully funded as well as private services here at ARC – from education, counselling, family support, access to physical and social activities and personal training – all within a supportive and therapeutic community.  Our services Include:  - Recovery Programmes - Family Support Programmes - Peer led Weekly Recovery Check-ins - Gym Facilities / Personal Training - Talking Therapies / Counselling - Community Programmes and Workshops - Corporate Workshops and Employee Assistance Programmes   At ARC we just don\'t to see people in enter recovery, we want to see those people, empowered allowing them to take control of their lives, thrive and succeed.  More than anything ARC offers hope and Hope is contagious.  Stay tuned. Like. Subscribe for more info.  Check us out @ - www.arcfitness.co.uk  Special thanks to:  - River Flow Films - https://www.facebook.com/riverflowfilms​  - The National lottery Community Fund NI - https://www.facebook.com/TNLCommunity...​  - LFT Charitable Trust -   - Developing Healthy Communities &  Public Health Agency - https://www.facebook.com/DevelopingHe...​  -Learning Pool - https://learningpool.com/  If you would like to support us financially  in any way use the GoFundMe link below:  https://gofund.me/f92a10fb' 
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