'BBW Workout #30worksin30Days for Charity - Beginner Boxing'

'BBW Workout #30worksin30Days for Charity -  Beginner Boxing'
02:53 Aug 19
'BBW Workout #30worksin30Days for Charity -  Beginner Boxing  I lost track of what day I\'m on however I did the remainder of the days doing a home workout due to covid.    I can\'t remember  what day 26-30 @ofathetrainer @libertyfitnessboxing   #30for30workouts​ for Charity of 30 Workouts in 30 Days for Charity.  I will give $30 to a nonprofit organization everytime I miss a workout.  You are welcomed to join me on this 30 Day Challenge, you can donate $phillysoprah or cheer me on and keep me accountable.    https://lp.constantcontactpages.com/s...' 
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