'The Nerd Gym Intro'

'The Nerd Gym Intro'
01:05 Jan 2, 2022
'Welcome to The nerd Gym!  I am your coach - Melanie Black - a Body Positive, Progress Positive fitness nerd with over a decade experience helping folks achieve their fitness goals. On this channel we talk exercise, nutrition and the mindset needed for a fun and successful fitness journey. For more coaching with me visit www.thenerdgym.com  MIND + BODY: The mind-body connection permeates every aspect of your physical fitness.  Whether you are just starting a beginner workout program, trying a new diet or improving your athletic performance, Mindset, motivation, habits, planning and goal setting are crucial elements in your fitness journey. Although willpower, guilt and shame are often associated with getting fit, it does not need to be this way. The path to success may not be as fast or easy as we’d like it to be but we CAN have fun while getting there. Body positivity and progress CAN coexist. You can love yourself in the pursuit of health at any size, at any age and at any ability level. You can eliminate the need for willpower with good planning. By letting go of guilt and shame, you will achieve results faster and have fun doing it. Your mental health goals and your physical health goals can be achieved together. Your mind has the power to change your body and the body has the power to change your mind!  I AM MELANIE BLACK - fitness nerd, personal trainer and sports nutritionist.  In my life before fitness I’ve been too fat, too skinny, weak and in pain.  After having two kids, it felt like my body and my mind were falling apart. Then fitness changed my life. Now I am helping others do the same.  Fitness and sports were never a part of my life when I was younger. “Exercise” was not in my vocabulary. In highschool I was (and still am) the “weird-goth-artist”. I sat at the “Nerd” table. The nerds I grew up with were a motley crew of outcasts. Each of us had our skills and limitations. We enthusiastically shared knowledge and resources and kept each other safe. There were no “popular” people at the nerd table. Back then, being a nerd was not cool….and the “Cool” kids were not kind. The jocks and cheerleaders were gossips at best and racist, homophobic violent bullies at their worst.  High-school culture and the fitness and diet culture of the 80s & 90s turned me off to the idea of ANY type of physical activity. You were more likely to find me smoking under the bleachers than cheering in the stands! Being a sedentary artist took a toll on my body. By the time I turned 25 I had chronic, severe back and neck pain. I had arthritis in my hands and feet. I went from being underweight and depressed to overweight and having anxiety and panic attacks.  My big wake-up call happened on  a spring morning at age 26...literally... I woke up to the sound of my 2 young children crying...SCREECHING!  I tried to sit up out of bed and pain shot through my neck.   I physically could not get out of bed. My back and neck pain were so severe. I had to listen to them cry for my help as I contorted and wrenched my body off of the bed and onto the floor, then crawl on my hands and knees to their room. Fortunately, neither of them were hurt or in danger. If they had been, I would have been unable to help them. THAT was the final straw. I became totally obsessed with anatomy, physiology, exercise, psychology, self improvement and nutrition. From there I began my fitness journey and it changed me more than I could have ever imagined. I made LOTS of mistakes. I tried fad diets and bad exercise advice but eventually I was able to sort the science from the fitness fiction.  In 2008 I became a certified personal trainer and sports nutritionist. I transformed my body and mind. No more pain. No more panic attacks….and now that my children are in their 20s and heavier than me, I can pick them up and carry them to safety should they ever need me to!  I am on a continuing mission to share useful information and experience with those of you who want to transform into the best possible version of yourself.  If you are ready for that transformation, join me! You are not too skinny, too fat, too weak or too old to get started! If I can do it YOU can do it. We all have different limitations and different skills but together we are strong!  For more information and classes with me online, join www.thenerdgym.com' 
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