'SMART goals: 3 steps to writing a fitness smart goal'

'SMART goals: 3 steps to writing a fitness smart goal'
12:47 Jan 28, 2021
'Whether you are training to be a fitness professional and need this to complete your PT portfolio, or if you are already qualified... then this video and blog will transform the goals you set with clients - without over complicating things:  Watch the video below for a full picture of all three steps:   SMART goals - 3 steps to writing a fitness smart goal  Step 1: The Big Picture You first need to find out what their long-term goal is or their aspirations. When you ask your client this, you will probably get a broad goal like \"to get fitter\" or \"to lose weight\".   Your job is to dive deeper and get to the juicy reason why they want that goal, to do that you can use these three questions:  Why do you want X goal? What will this achievement allow you to do/ feel? What impact will this goal have on your future self? You are looking for an emotional hook, or a deep reason for wanting to achieve this goal ... you may even find the goal changes or refines itself as you ask all three questions.  A long-term goal is usually 4 months +, so set a specific time frame.   Step 2: Chunk it up Now you know what they want to achieve in the longterm, you can ascertain what they want to achieve in the short and medium term.   Short and Medium-term goals do not need to be a linear breakdown of a long-term goal, but they need to HELP you achieve the long-term goal!  There are two ways to chunk it up:   Example of linear chunking:  Long = 20kg in 20 weeks , Medium = 10kg in 10 weeks, Short = 5kg in 5 weeks  Example of stepping stones:  Long = 20kg in 20 weeks, Medium = Moderate exercise 4 x per week, Short = Eat 5 Fruit and Veg per day  Most clients will get much more from a stepping stone version of chunking their goals because it offers a variety of focus. This is also great for you because it focuses your training and advice into specific chapters (or mesocycles)  You also need to set a time frame for each of the short, medium and long term goals:   Example time frames:  Long = 16 weeks +  Medium = 4-16 weeks  Short = 1-4 weeks  Step 3: Be SMART The SMART acronym is used a lot, and that\'s because it adds huge clarity to the setting meaningful goals. Let\'s explore SMART in a bit more detail.   What is a SMART goal?  S = Specific  M = Measurable  A = Achievable  R = Realistic  T = Time Framed  So, what does this mean for you if you are writing a fitness SMART goal?   Take one of your short, medium or long-term goals, and follow along below. Here we explain what to write for each part of the acronym and give an example of Mary\'s nutrition goal:  Specific:  What is the goal - include what will be achieved, the time frame and how it will be measured?  \"Mary will eat 5 fruit and veg per day for 2 weeks, and I will measure using a food diary\"  Measurable:  How will you measure achievement of the goal? and When?   \"I will measure Mary\'s food intake using a food diary at week 0 and week 2\"  Achievable:  Why is this achievable according to national guidelines?  \"It is achievable for Mary to eat 5 Fruit and Veg per day, as this is in line with NICE guidelines\"  Realistic:  Why is it realistic for your client to achieve this?  (Consider their barriers)   \"It is realistic for Mary, as she already eats 3 Fruit and Veg per day, and can swap her snacks\"  Time:  What time frame are you working to? When will you re-measure?    \"This goal will be achieved in 2 weeks\"  Challenge:  Are you up for a challenge? Write a SMART goal in the comments below using the structure we show you in this blog and video. i look forward to reading your goals and replying to any questions you have   If you liked this video make sure you hit like, share with your friends and be sure to subscribe to our Channel.  Thank you for watching  See you on the next video  Hayley  Parallel Coaching  You can also find us on the following platforms: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/parallelcoaching Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ParallelCoaching Twitter: https://twitter.com/ParallelCoach YouTube Channel: http://bit.ly/2F1Z1bs This video is here: https://youtu.be/ftrSIDYZINo' 

Tags: fitness goals , personal trainer , personal trainer certification , revision , SMART goals , personal trainer courses , anatomy and physiology , SMART goals - 3 steps to writing a fitness smart goal , Personal Trainer in Training , Personal Trainer Qualification , what is a smart goal? , how to write a goal , personal trainer casestudy

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