'Day 181 of the Iron Will Sports and Fitness 365 Day Pushup Challenge'

'Day 181 of the Iron Will Sports and Fitness 365 Day Pushup Challenge'
03:50 Mar 18, 2022
'Day 181 of the Iron Will Sports and Fitness 365 Day Pushup Challenge 181 pushups in 6 sets separated by 6 rope climbs www.IronWillSportsAndFitness.com http://www.amazon.com/Guide-Healthy-Pain-Free-Shoulders-ebook/dp/B009XUNR9E/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1372663443&sr=8-2&keywords=the+guide+to+healthy+pain+free+shoulders https://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Iron-Will-Sports-and-Fitness/179252845433965?fref=ts' 

Tags: fitness , Health , SPORTS , chest , shoulders , training , pushups , Rehab , ninja warrior , Pullups , american ninja warrior , iron will roberts , Iron Will

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