'FREE Mini Abs + Glutes class by Ken Scott Fitness'

'FREE Mini Abs + Glutes class by Ken Scott Fitness'
30:43 Feb 22, 2021
'It is not enough to focus on ab crunches and situps. Many think of the core as a nice six-pack, but the truth is that the abdominal muscles are just a small part. When we refer to the core, we’re referencing the many different muscles that stabilize the spine and pelvis running the entire length of the torso. When these muscles contract, they stabilize the spine, pelvis, and shoulder girdle to create a solid base of support. Twist, bend, hold, and lift your way to more efficient and powerful movement of your extremities.  This intense 45 minute class moves quickly. You’ll train all the muscles of torso, from hip to shoulder, for an effective and efficient workout. We will pull from a multitude of disciplines to continually challenge the core in different ways. This is not just an abs class, it’s the entire core system!' 
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