00:58 Jun 17, 2022
'What is the Fitness Angels about?  Fitness Angels is an empowering fitness program for everyone.  Functional training teaching you to move your body as you do in everyday life.  The world needs more FITNESS ANGELS, now it\'s your chance to become one. Through the most inspirational, motivating and challenging fitness program.  No FAD just FAB!!  Fitness Angels Boot Camps!  Show the world your wings!  No crazy diets, supplements, cheat meals, or expensive gym equipment required. It\'s all about learning the right way to change your lifestyle, to teach and show you how amazing you are.  It becomes your DUTY to take on your role as a Fitness Angels and help change the world of health and fitness!  You can start by yourself or with a friend. It does not matter, if you have never done anything physical before,  this is the place to start!  Soon you will be inspiring and motivating people everywhere you go!  Train with us!  Ally - Fitness Angel xxx' 
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