34:23 Jul 15, 2022
'Welcome to the Zeus Fitness 4 Week Boot Camp Day 3 Workout from home. Today smashing another awesome Home Workout Bodyweight and Dumbbells blast in 30 mins and with the resistance section targeting the Legs, Shoulder & Abs in one swoop   But again as with every bootcamp workout we will first be smashing some HIIT and cardio to burn some fat , getting the body moving and working up a sweat before hitting the serious those legs , shoulders and abs   Amazing response so far to the challenge. You guys are doing amazing and great to see so many take it on , challenge other and really make a positive change in 2021. LOVE IT   Keep going and keep your comments coming , love to hear it all. Remember to Join our Zeus Members Tribe also and to come and invite others to do the same and take on the challenge with you and you could both win some prizes   Remember we have awesome prizes up for grabs for anyone you get on board to do the challenge with you. You can invite them with your own unique invite link right here   https://upvir.al/109073/burnoutchallenge   ** Remember sign up for daily reminders of our 4 Week Bootcamp challenge here - Get your \'invite only\' group link and refer any friends who would be interesting in doing this with you  - Win ALL Zeus paid products too (Zeus Shred , Absolution and Beast) for referring friends.  As with every Zeus workout , I always recommend warming up and doing some dynamic stretching before hand. Even if it is only 5 minutes and we have you covered there   You can do this 5 minute warm up routine right here to get you ready for the workout ahead  https://youtu.be/hCHrF-7kCmo  When it comes to what weights you should use, everyone will be different depending on their current fitness and strength. You won\'t need crazy heavy weights for these workouts , especially if weights are being used in the cardio sections.   What I suggest is finding a weight that works for you. Pushes you hard, Has you really struggling on the last couple of reps ,  but also let\'s you maintain good form.   You don\'t want to go with a weight that is too heavy for you and sacrifices that form   For the fitter guys or people who have completed my program Shred, Absolution or Beast before. You guys will know what weights work for you and for a tougher workout , especially in the resistance sections , you can up those weights for a tougher workout   Today\'s Workout -   First up we hit the Cardio section | 2 sets of 3 Batches of different Cardio exercises x 3 Laps of each  Pulse Squats  Fast paced Overhead shoulder presses  Ice Skaters   Goblet squat into alternate Lunge  High Knee Side Shuffle  Mountain Climbers   LEG WORK x3  Split Squats Right  Split Squats Left  Table Top Kick ups   Shoulders x 3  Cuban Press  Side Lateral Raises  Up and out Raise   Abs x 3 V Crunch  Right hand to left foot  Left hand to right foot   Enjoy todays workout and I will see you tomorrow for Day 4   

Tags: Workout , abs , full body workout , burn fat , lose weight , ab workout at home , total body workout , bodyweight , strength training , quick workout , workout videos , full body workout at home , dumbbell workout , dumbbells , leg workout at home , shoulder workout at home , epic workout , epic program , home workout bodyweight , home workout bodyweight and dumbbells , home workout bodyweight exercises , home workout dumbbells , home workout dumbbells and bodyweight , zeus fitness 30 minute workout

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