'Damian Thornton Certified Personal Trainer & Coach - NASM, ISSA, TRX, FMS Contact: Email: dthornton@dtfitness365.com IG: DTFitness365 FB: DTFitness365 Twitter: DTFitness365 DT Fitness 365 “Defining Transformation & Fitness” www.dtfitness365.com WORKOUT: UPPER BODY - PUSH 1. DB SPLIT-STANCE CURL+PRESS X 10/15/20 REPS OR 30/45/60 SECS 2. DB SINGLE-ARM SPLIT-JERK X 10/15/20 REPS OR 30/45/60 SECS 3. DB LATERAL RAISE X 10/15/20 REPS EACH OR 30/45/60 SECS EACH 4. DB ALT. SINGLE-ARM FRONT RAISE X 10/15/20 EACH OR 30/45/60 SECS EACH COMPLETE 3-5 SETS IN SUCCESSION PENDING FITNESS LEVEL! REST - 30 SECS BETWEEN EXERCISES; 60 SECS (1 MIN) BETWEEN EACH COMPLETED ROUND. Music Copyright: “Both” (I do not own the rights to this music.) _________________________________________ #DTFitness365 #CommittedToBetter #PersonalTrainer #Fitness #Nutrition #BodyBuilding #FitnessTransformation #Health #FitFam #IGFitness #Atlanta #Fit #FitnessMotivation #EbonyFitnessFreaks #PhotoOfTheDay #WorkoutAnytime #FitnessMotivation #AtlantaFitness #Explore #WeightLoss #Workout #HomeWorkout #CabinFever #Exercise'
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