'SportsArt Pinnacle Trainer vs ARC - Fitness Direct'

01:13 Jun 10
'http://www.fitdir.com/sportsart-s775-pinnacle-trainer.html  You’re basically looking at one of the most profound mech-trainers in the world by far. Never has modern gym-floor cardio equipment offered such variety and incredible diversity. Everything from athletic to absolute fitness newbs can hop on and really challenge their musculature in ways that haven’t been possible until now.  Power. Stability. Body-control. Agility. Stamina and endurance. Strength…the Pinnacle is so far the only cross trainer to successfully combine both linear and lateral motions, adjustable stride width, variable foot position and unique handle positioning for unprecedented workout of infinite variety.' 

Tags: ARC , Fitness Direct , sportsart , Pinnacle Trainer

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