Sep 21
'#transformationtuesday Week 6 of the 16 Week Challenge. When you can\'t make a kickboxing class we have to make sure to train. The lesson for this week is....stay off the scale!!! Got a Lil or really a lot frustrated this week when the numbers on the scale aren\'t moving. My clothes definitely fit different but dang what\'s up with that #weightloss Training my mind to flip my thoughts. I\'m challenging myself to do exercise routines that I did modifications for 4 weeks ago. I can now do planks for 1 minute. #progress #consistency #goals #healthy #healthyliving . . . . . . . . #fitness #stayoffthescale #weightloss #jumprope #hypothroidism #weightlossjourney #fitness #phillysoprah #healthyliving #gymflow #squats #boxing #flexbands #exercise #fitness #weighttraining #thyroidhealth #hypothyroidism #bbw #healthybbw #gym #workout #goals #phillysoprah #shellyshellwilliams #majorkey #weightlossblogger'
Tags: fitness , Workout , Weight loss , gym , diet , excercise
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